Guided Practice 4.5 - Solution

Consider the following function, defined on ListOfNumbers:

;; odd-elements : ListOfNumbers -> ListOfNumbers
(define (odd-elements lst)
    [(empty? lst) empty]
    [(empty? (rest lst)) (first lst)]
    [else (cons (first lst)
                (odd-elements (rest (rest lst))))]))

Which of the following are valid halting measures for odd-elements ?

a) when lst is empty
b) when lst has one or fewer elements
c) the length of lst
d) the number of elements of lst
e) the largest element of lst


(a) and (b) are not halting measures.  They are halting _conditions_.
The point of a halting measure is to guarantee that the function
eventually reaches the halting condition.

(c) is a halting measure:  the length of any list is always a
non-negative integer.  If (length lst) is k, then
(length (rest (rest lst))) is k-2, which is always less than k.

(d) is also a halting measure: the number of elements of lst is the
same as its length

(e) is not a halting measure.  Consider lst = (list 11 22 33 44). Its
largest element is 44.  (rest (rest lst)) = (list 33 44), so its
largest element is still 44.

Next, consider the data type

An AltList is one of
-- empty
-- (list Number AltList)

and the function

alt-odd-elements : AltList -> AltList
(define (alt-odd-elements x)
    [(empty? x) empty]
    [(empty? (second x)) (list (first x) empty)]
    [else (list (first x)
                (alt-odd-elements (second (second x))))]))

Which of the following are valid halting measures for odd-elements ?

a) when lst is empty
b) when lst has one or fewer elements
c) the length of lst
d) the number of elements of lst
e) the largest element of lst

All the answers are the same as for the previous example, except for
(c).  The length of any AltList is either 0 or 2.   But the number of
elements in the AltList still works as a halting measure.

Halting measures for functions that follow the template from a data
definition will almost always be very simple, like the ones considered
here.  In Module 8 we will see more complicated halting measures.

Last modified: Mon Aug 29 20:22:59 Eastern Daylight Time 2016